Monday 11 August 2008

Fluctuations In PSA And The Use Of Antibiotics

� - A deuce to little Joe week course of antibiotic therapy is often secondhand in patients with an elevated PSA to exclude inflammation as an etiology of the elevated level. This talk reviews the data regarding variations in PSA, aetiology and the practice of antibiotic use.

Fluctuations in PSA ar anticipated as the concentration of PSA in prostatic fluid is approximately a million sheepcote higher than in blood serum. To begin with, there are both lot-to-lot differences in PSA assays - as well as method-to-method differences betwixt the methodologies used. As such, it's prudent to have a patient catch their PSA measurements at the same laboratory on a coherent basis to avoid this variation. If one looks at the variation of the PSA test over a deuce week period there is a 15% coefficient of variation in the total PSA, a 17% variation in the pre PSA and a 14% release PSA variation. The average PSA, as reported by Catalona, for men in their forties is 0.7ng/ml, for men in their mid-fifties 0.9ng/ml, for workforce in their sixties 1.3ng/ml, and for men in their seventies 1.7ng/ml. Eastham reported on year to year fluctuations in PSA. He found that 26 to 37% of workforce with increased PSA had a degree return to normal on the next annual rating. Forty-five to 55% of men with increased PSA had the level return to normal within four-spot years. In 65 to 83% of those work force, it remained normal for years afterwards. For those who had a prostate biopsy recommended for abnormal PSA levels 40 to 53% would have had their PSA parameters fall below the biopsy criteria during the four old age of follow-up. The proffer is that more than one PSA should be used to confirm an abnormal PSA level prior to a biopsy.

There are too seasonal variations in the PSA. The French arm of the European randomised study screening for prostate cancer showed there were significantly higher PSA concentrations in summer than in other seasons. This resulted in a 23% step-up in the likely lens hood of being referred for prostate biopsy during the summer season. Finasteride tin also feign the PSA level. Finasteride will decrease both the total and free PSA by close to 50%. As such, the free to total PSA ratio remains unchanged. This suggests that an abnormal decrease in the loose to add up ratio could potentially be due to cancer kind of than Finasteride therapy. Furthermore, the use of 1 milligram per day of Finasteride for alopecia results in a 40% PSA decrease in men ages 40 to 49 and a 50% decrease in men ages 50 to 59. The herbal cure saw palmetto has not been shown to modify PSA levels in a large double blind randomized multicenter trial.

Antibiotic therapy for an elevated PSA has the theoretical advantage of treating infection, providing cost effective therapy by avoiding prostate biopsies and decreasing patient inconvenience and morbidity from the biopsy. The disadvantages include unnecessary antibiotic disbursal, potential side effects and adverse reactions and an increase in multidrug immune organisms. In chronic